22 Jan Sleep Is Calling: Here’s The Two-Week Plan
The kids are at your mom’s house. You have finally a “dream” set-up. You don’t want to go anywhere at all. The queen size mattress is calling your name. You already have your candles, but you’re planning thing’s out. The kids are gone all summer. You know that you deserve this rest. It is well needed. Your two week plan is moving right along. You decide to make a grocery list with your favorite snacks. You choose the most expensive, the kind that the kids would eat in one day. You already bought your nice bubble bath. Those matching pajamas are the most exquisite attire you have. All you need now is for your new pillows to arrive. You have been waiting on eBay to call you back. You know they should arrive, but the UPS guy is taking his time. You are looking for the tracking number, but couldn’t find it. That is the last of this planning that you need. You watch the clock as the cars and trucks past by your road. You wait with anticipation and finally you see that good old brown delivery van pull up. It’s the UPS guy! He is there with your pillows.
You know you felt a little jazzy since your pillows matches your pajamas. Who’s going to notice? Only those white wall will know and can’t tell a thing. Your remote is on this list so you can easily set the timer on the TV and drift away. You even bought a handheld massage to help your hands and feet relax. Everything is finally in place. The two-week plan is successful. You have your snacks, pajamas, bubble bath, and new pillows to seal the deal. You have all your plans in view, now all you need is a doggy sitter. You call your pastor’s daughter to see if she could keep the dog that day. She agrees and you are the happiest ever. You made your list and checking it twice. You feel overworked and that’s naughty not nice. The day arrived, but you forgot one thing, your best friends coming over. Oh no! She arrives to say hello and notices you in your pajamas. She wanted you to invite her, but this is all on you. You reached for your cell phone as your best friend leaves. You decided to cut off all social activity for a while. You take one last glance and notice that other parents were in their pajamas taking pictures. It must be a fashion trend!
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